What are Orthodontics?

Orthodontic treatments are usually designed to make teeth straighter through the use of braces and alignment devices, or through surgical procedures in more complex cases. Your reasons for wanting straight teeth might vary from improving the look of your smile (who doesn’t love a straight row of teeth?) all the way to improving the overall functionality of your teeth. But orthodontic issues like crowding, spacing, overbites, underbites, and crossbites can all be addressed by an orthodontic specialist who can give you a straight, functional, and healthy smile.

What Are the Different Kinds of Orthodontic Treatments?

Orthodontic treatments are usually designed to make teeth straighter through the use of braces and alignment devices, or through surgical procedures in more complex cases. Your reasons for wanting straight teeth might vary from improving the look of your smile (who doesn’t love a straight row of teeth?) all the way to improving the overall functionality of your teeth. But orthodontic issues like crowding, spacing, overbites, underbites, and crossbites can all be addressed by an orthodontic specialist who can give you a straight, functional, and healthy smile.


Braces come in a few varieties and each comes with various benefits. 

Traditional Braces

These are the most common treatment, and are extremely effective for treating a wide range of orthodontic issues. They’re durable, and are typically more affordable than other options. With traditional metal braces, metal brackets are bonded to the teeth for the duration of treatment and connected with wires, which are periodically adjusted to move teeth into their desired positions. A small rubber band often keeps the bracket in place (kids will love the opportunity to choose the color of their bands).

Ceramic Braces

Many orthodontics also offer traditional-style braces with ceramic materials. These ceramic braces are tooth-colored or clear, which make them much less visible than their metal counterparts, making them a common choice for adults seeking orthodontic treatment.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners go by several common brand names, such as Invisalign© and 3M© Clarity Aligners. Clear aligners are a series of custom made, removable plastic aligners that are worn over your teeth to progressively adjust placement and bite. They can be removed for eating and cleaning and are comfortable. Best of all, they’re clear, which makes them an inconspicuous way to align your teeth. Clear aligners are typically recommended for mild to moderate orthodontic issues but tend to be more expensive than traditional braces.

Palatal Expanders

Expanders are used to widen the upper jaw. They are attached to your upper morals and are gradually adjusted in order to widen your palette. They can be used as a pre-treatment before a custom set of braces can adjust crowded teeth, or sometimes as a treatment for issues like crossbites or to improve breathing.

Surgical Orthodontic Treatments

Surgical orthodontic treatments involve the combination of orthodontic procedures and surgical intervention to correct larger issues related to the jaw or misaligned teeth. These treatments correct bone issues that can't be fixed with braces alone. They're specialized, and you’ll need a skilled orthodontist and an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon to do them.
Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery is a surgical procedure used to correct severe jaw misalignment. It involves repositioning the jaws to achieve better alignment and function, often combined with braces or aligners. This surgery can resolve functional issues, improve facial aesthetics, and alleviate severe bite problems.

Surgical Exposure of Impacted Teeth

This procedure involves surgically removing the gum and bone covering the impacted tooth. This allows orthodontic appliances to guide the tooth into its proper position, facilitating alignment, improving dental function, and preventing cysts or infections.

Other Orthodontic Treatments

Phase 1 Interceptive Treatments

Orthodontic treatments for children play a crucial role in correcting issues related to jaw development (such as protruding or recessed jaw) and tooth alignment. These treatments are designed to address a variety of dental and skeletal problems that can impact a child's oral health and overall well-being.


Retainers are removable appliances that are worn to help keep teeth in their new positions after braces or aligners. It’s a good maintenance practice to ensure that teeth can stabilize in place and won’t shift or move following treatment. These custom-made retainers are worn full-time, or part-time depending on treatment and guidance from an orthodontist. 


If a child loses a baby tooth prematurely, space maintainers keep the space open while preventing neighboring teeth from moving into the open space. This allows children to avoid crowding or spacing issues that could occur between the premature loss of the baby tooth and the growth of the permanent adult tooth. 

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